Kaleidoscope Pathways, LLC (KPLLC) is an evaluation, wellness, and strategic consultation firm. Founded in 2011, KPLLC works in partnership with communities, philanthropic, government, and nonprofit organizations to support their growth and learning.
KPLLC is a diverse collective of experts who range in age, gender expression, race/ethnicity, culture, and demography. You can count on us to show up with our full humanity and support you in doing the same.

We support you in achieving equitable outcomes that are grounded in wellness and integrity.
Our Mission
KPLLC believes that successfully addressing issues of inequity for marginalized people and people of color must include developing authentic partnerships that are grounded in transparency and integrity. We believe that it is possible to create a world in which all communities are provided the tools and resources in order to optimize their health and utilize their power to create systems that support their thriving.
KPLLC works with our partners to face head-on the fundamental inequities and injustices that are long baked into our national and global landscapes and that serve to dehumanize and eviscerate too many people in service of a select few. We take seriously our responsibility to journey along with our partners to unearth and weed out our own complacency with inequities, internalization of biases, and discriminatory actions.
Our Services
What We Do
We specialize in conducting culturally affirming evaluations, building organizations’ capacity for evaluation, increasing individuals' mental wellness practices, and developing actionable strategic plans that center growth, equity, and justice.

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